
Peste 3 decenii de experienta in gravura.

More than 3 decades of experience in engraving.

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Eurotopaz produce lucrari de arta unice, gravuri realizate manual si la comanda.

Eurotopaz creates unique works of art, and on demand handmade engravings.

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Gravura se realizeaza pe arme, alame sau metale pretioase.

Engraving is done on weapons, brass or precious metals.

gravura manuala talpa de pat remington arma gravata manual
blaser gravat manual blaser gravat manual
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gravura manuala
gravura manuala
gravura manuala pe ulrich take down

Chiar si cel mai mic detaliu este realizat manual cu ajutorul daltei si al ciocanului.

Even the smallest detail is handmade with the help of the chisel and the hammer.

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Design-ul si executia se realizeaza intr-un mod autentic si unic.

The Design and the implementation are accomplished in an authentic and unique way.

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